نصوص كتابة صف حادي عشر منهج قطري منتصف فصل دراسي اول

 اعزائي طلبة وطالبات الصف الحادي عشر المنهج القطري اهلا وسهلا بيكم يسعدني ان اقدم لكم احبائي نماذج كتابة للفصل الدراسي   الدراسي الاول ( منتصف الفصل الدراسي الاول) ، ارجو لكم التوفيق ابنائي  نصوص الكتابة تتضمن كتابة الاميل غير الرسمي وكتابة قصة عن تجربة غير عادية  

Write an email to your friend tell him about your latest news

Dear Ali,

How are you? I hope you're doing well. I haven't heard from you in ages, so I'm writing to tell you my latest news.

Last year, I traveled to Turkey. It's a beautiful country! I went there with my family, and we traveled by plane. The flight took four hours, but it was comfortable. We did lots of things, like visiting the Aya Sofia Mosque and the Chocolate Museum. We also stayed in a luxurious hotel.

Well, that’s all for now. Write to me soon and tell me your latest news.
Take care,


Write a story!

 Ten years ago, I used to stay at home with my little sister when my parents were out. One day, my parents went to drop by our grandparents, who lived next door.

     It was 8 o’clock in the evening, and I was playing with my sister in our inviting garden when we heard a strange noise. We stopped for a moment to figure out where the sound was coming from.

     We looked everywhere and finally spotted something moving behind the trees. It looked like a bear! We rushed into the house and called our parents. We were “jumping out of our skin.” Unfortunately, their phones were unavailable, so we called the police.

     In less than ten minutes, the police arrived and caught the strange animal which turned out to be our dog! My sister and I were stunned. Afterwards, our parents thanked the police and promised never to leave us alone again.


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