شرح قواعد انجليزي، الافعال التي يتبعها to + inf, inf, v+ing

  اعزائي رواد المدونة اهلا وسهلا بكم ومرحباً


، سنتعرف اليوم على درس من اهم دروس القواعد فى اللغة الانجليزية 

 الافعال التي يتبعهاا  to + inf, inf, v+ing وهي

أولاً الافعال المتبوعة  ب المصدر الصريح   bare infintive'd
- تستخدم بعد الافعال الناقصة، مثل:  can, could, will, would, shall, should, must, mustn't, have to, has to,,,,,etc.
- بعد verb to do، فعل يفعل   do, does , did
- بعد بعض التعبيرات مثل، I'd better, I would rather

ثانياً: الافعال المتبوعة بصيغة المصدر   to + inf , وتستخدم في الحالات التالية:

1-  للتعبير عن الغرض purpose   

.I go to school to learn

.I have online lessons to improve my  level

2- some structres بعض التعبيرات مثل: 

It's easy to .........

I am happy to.............. 

It's difficult to........

3-  بعد الصفات :After an adjective Example

 The new computer is really easy to use.

3- بعض الافعال  some verbs

After certain verbs (with to) Example: 

He refused to pay the bill.

afford - expect - manage - refuse - agree - fail - mean - want - appear - help - offer - wish - arrange - plan - would like - beg - hesitate - prepare - would love - choose - hope - pretend - would prefer - decide - learn - promise


ثالثاً: الافعال المتبوعة بصيغة Gerund   verb + ing  وتستخدم في الحالات التالية:

    1- كفاعل للجملة: Gerund • As the subject of  clause Example:

Cycling is good for your health.

2- بعد حروف الجر After a preposition

 I did my homework before going out. 

3- بعض الافعال Verbs followed by Gerund :Example 

I enjoy cooking.

admit - can't stand - finish - practise - advise - deny - keep - suggest - allow - dislike - mind - waste time - avoid - enjoy - miss - can't help - fancy - permit

4- افعال بعدها حروف جر  Verbs with Prepositions followed by Gerund

Example: I'm looking forward to seeing you again soon.

accuse of - blame for - dream about/of - look forward to - agree with - care for - feel like - object to - apologize for - carry on - forgive for - think of - ask about - complain about - give up - succeed in - believe in - concentrate on - insist on - use for

رابعاً: استخدامات  prefer

Prefer + noun اسم  + to + noun اسم

I prefer Green Apple to Red Apple.

Prefer + noun اسم+ rather than اسم + noun

I prefer Green Apple rather than Red Apple.

Prefer + verb (ing) + to + verb (ing) 

I prefer working at night to working at morning.

Prefer + verb (ing) + rather than + verb (ing)

I prefer working at night rather than working at morning.

My brother prefers playing football to basketball.

My brother prefers playing football rather than basketball.

 Prefer + to + verb + rather than + verb

I prefer to sit in quiet places rather than sit in loud places. 

Would rather + verb [inf]

I would rather sleep at weekends.

I would rather drink lemonade in this café. Would rather + verb [inf] + than + verb [inf]

I would rather sleep all day than go out.

I would rather drink water than soda.

تدريبات هامه   Exercises 

Correct the verbs between brackets:

1. I enjoy _______ (live) in Spain.

2. We agreed ___________ (meet) by the river at 8 o’clock.

3. I suggested ______(go) to the cinema, but Ali said he didn’t fancy ______ (wait) in a queue.

4. I can’t really afford ____________ (buy) a car this year.

5. We can’t really afford ___________ (go) on holiday this year.

6. I hate ____________ (waste) time on paperwork.

7. I like my new job, but I really miss _____________ (be) able to relax on Sundays.

8. lot of people are worried about _______(lose) their jobs.

9. He agreed _______ (buy) a new car.

10. He apologized for _______ (arrive) so late.

11. I look forward to _______ (see) you at the weekend.

12. I can't stand ________________ (wait) in queues.

13. I wouldn't like ________________ (be) in his shoes.

14. I hate ________________ (do) the shopping on Saturday.

15. In the end we decided ________________ (stay) in.

16. I need ________________ (find) some information about Portugal.

17. I wanted ___________ (go) and see Troy but no one else was interested.

18. Clare refused ________________ (help) clean up after the party.

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